Staying Successful in Business – 5 Methods

Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.” – Dale Carnegie

Staying On-top is More Difficult

In business, achieving success is merely half the battle won. The other half? As many veteran businessmen would agree, sustaining success – staying on top of your game and on top of THE game – is the more difficult part of owning and operating a commercial enterprise.

Case in point: flash-in-the-pan businesses are a dime a dozen these days. Overnight successes are stories that are quite commonplace. But businesses that last for years, if not decades? Alas, they’re rarities in this day and age!

Just Don’t Succeed, Remain

The goal isn’t merely to succeed in business. The goal should be to remain successful in business.

Here are 5 powerful principles to live by if you want to achieve such a goal:

  • Believe in your business. Your business is bound to encounter many challenges and many tribulations along the way. Some of these trials would be grave enough to make you consider quitting. But should you? Remember: if you don’t believe in your business, if you don’t believe that it can succeed, then why should your prospective customers believe that your business is the right choice for them? Your faith in your business will go a long, long way in pushing it to reach its fullest potentials.
  • Find satisfaction in what you’re doing. If you do not find contentment in what you’re doing, then it’s just a matter of time before you give up on your business. Fulfillment can be attained in so many ways. If you cannot find that sense of fulfillment from your business, it’s either because: a) you’re not looking hard enough; or b) you’re looking at the wrong place. The smallest victory can be a cause for celebration. And the tiniest of triumphs can even provide the biggest kind of satisfaction.
  • Make your customer’s satisfaction your primary goal. Profit is good, but it shouldn’t be the driving force of your business if you want your success to last. The happiness of your customers should be your paramount concern. Remembers, happy customers are customers for life.
  • Strive to improve your craft and your trade. Never rest on your laurels. Always try to be the best you can ever be when it comes to the things you do for a living.
  • Have fun! They say that the best kind of moneymaking opportunity is one that you enjoy doing. If you will find such a business, then you’ve hit the jackpot. Now, no one said that this “jackpot” can’t be created. You can find enjoyment in what you’re doing. Even if the business wasn’t born from a hobby you once nurtured, you can still find ways by which you can make it very exciting and very enticing for you. Your enthusiasm for your business will eventually show in the products you will deliver.

Stay Focused and Positive

By staying focused on making your business fun and sustainable, you can find immense satisfaction and enjoy the fruits of your labour and achieve success.



Self-improvement Program

If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.” – Jim Rohn

Why We Don’t Use a Self-improvement Program

The average person does not like to admit that they have any faults, so it’s often difficult for an outsider to give that person self-improvement tips. In spite of any kind of help you may try to offer, they will decline to admit that they have even one item on which they need to improve. When you have the “perfect” human specimen, creating a self improvement program is going to be quite a challenge.

Are We All Perfect?

Before you can begin detailing a self improvement program, you must be willing to define the things that need improvement. No matter how perfect you may feel you are, each of us has something upon which we can improve whether it’s our ability to create motivation, punctuality, ability to grasp new information, communicating with people, understanding priorities, or knowing how to properly dress for a special function. In order to create improvement within yourself, you must identify areas in need of improvement with a self improvement program and self improvement tips that relate to your specific areas of immediate need.

Self-improvement Tips are Necessary

Self improvement tips are necessary for each person in order for them to recognize the areas in which they lack, especially with the perfectionist who does not see himself or herself as having any faults. Accepting one’s faults and developing a self improvement program is not a sign of weakness but rather an admission that you are accepting change within yourself to allow you to become a better person. The most important of the self improvement tips that you must learn is to accept that you are not infallible and that being less than perfect is not a reflection on your status in life or the person that you have become.

What is in Your Program

The self improvement program you develop for yourself should contain all of your weaknesses that you have identified individually or with the help of self improvement tips from others. The detailing of this information and the implementation of a program of improvement should allow for a better understanding of these areas in need of improvement and address the dangers of feelings of superiority perfection within both the business and personal sectors of your life.

Michael Wilkovesky

Motivating Reasons to Start Your Own Business

We Need Motivation

If you want to succeed you should strike out on new paths, rather than travel the worn paths of accepted success.” – John D. Rockefeller

People need a lot of motivation in order to start a successful home business.

Six Characteristics of Successful Home Business Owners

A strong passion and fervent love for what you are doing. You must firmly believe that your business merchandise or service fills the needs of your customers.

The driving force, the patience and determination to see things through. You must be willing to try one more time and seek a new way wen others may quit.

Willing to work hard through the learning curve to achieve your goals for the business. Do you learn from your mistakes and improve yourself by using the results that you find in your future planning? Successful business owners are those that are willing to learn from and build on their previous mistakes.

Physically and mentally able to handle challenges. Do you have the capability to face the daily challenges as well as the support of your family and loved ones?

Can work independently without oversight. Successful business owners can schedule their time and follow their schedule. They are creative in their problem solving and thrive under pressure.

They connect and collaborate with others. If you are successful, you connect with others and deal with them in an honest truthful manner based on friendship and integrity.

Will You Be Successful?

If you have none of the above six characteristics, the chances of starting and running a small business aren’t very good. There is a very good chance that your business will fall into the failure category.

If you have one, two or more of these characteristics, then you have a much better chance of running a small business as your motivation for a successful business is very strong.

Michael Wilkovesky

Benefits of a Positive Mental Attitude

Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” – Winston Churchill

A Link Between Success and Happiness

A positive mental attitude is one of the most critical links we have between our success and happiness. In fact it would be fair to say that without a positive attitude it would be difficult to accomplish anything that can be considered worthwhile. Having the ability to maintain positive thoughts seems to make everything you do a lot easier and more enjoyable. There obviously exists a correlation between maintaining a positive attitude and achieving success and happiness in life.

Benefits of a Positive Mental Attitude

Here are 5 undeniable benefits you experience from the power of positive thinking.

Boosts Feeling of Well Being – Having a positive attitude quite naturally results in boosting your spirits since in your mind everything is ‘good’ which promotes an upbeat mood. Even when something occurs of a more negative nature your current disposition helps you to quickly overcome it.

Boosts Motivation – When you are feeling good you are more likely to live your life and seek new experiences than if you were depressed. Positive thoughts boost the spirits and instill more of a ‘can do’ attitude giving you more motivation or drive to follow through on your efforts.

Increases Productivity – With an increase in motivation you obviously will be more productive in any tasks you may undertake. In addition to this it will also make any efforts you do exert seem much easier which in turn tends to keep you at the task longer.

Leads to Accomplishments – Building on the increase in productivity a positive mindset can therefore help you to accomplish a lot more. With an increase in motivation which leads to more productivity you are much better able to stay focused for longer. The net result will be you simply get more done.

Attracts Others – Nobody wants to be around a negative person while on the other hand optimistic people generally attract others. Positive people are more pleasant and fun to be around and are also a great source of encouragement. With all that said who would not want to be around someone with a positive attitude.

A Great Asset

A positive mental attitude is one of the greatest assets you can possess. In life or in business your positive thoughts heavily influence the ease with which you are able to achieve success or happiness. The 5 benefits we spoke of above that anyone can experience from utilizing the power of positive thinking are a compelling testimony to maintaining an upbeat mindset. When you are able to reduce your own stress while becoming more productive and attractive to others it seems there are no downsides to having a positive attitude.

Try one on for size today to see what it can do for you!

Michael Wilkovesky

Creative Thinking Leads to Successful People

An essential aspect of creativity is not being afraid to fail.” – Edwin Land

Does Daily Life Need Creativity?

Many people believe that the goal of any society is progress, however for most of us it is not easy to get used to something new. It takes more or less time for every person to adapt to a new environment, even if it is only using a new tool, cooking a new dish or finding a new bus stop. That is the reason why many people cling to the way things are, it is much easier for them to do habitual things.

Any person’s every day of life consists of many repeated activities, such as driving a car, dressing, eating etc. People do most of these activities automatically, without much thinking. Automatic operations helps the brain to avoid unnecessary effort, but many people also use this natural capability of the brain in a wrong way.

Creating Life Scripts

They create scripts for many activities in their life, they use the same expressions, eat the same food, and go to the same supermarkets. People live with the same world outlook their whole life. It is clear that in most cases laziness makes them live with these scripts because it is much easier for people to make habitual things, say habitual phrases and do the same job everyday, rather than straining the brain, creating something new, and making progress in their life.

However, there are still many activities, which demand creativity and the ability to orientate us in new, unusual situations. Life brings us surprises every day, and sometimes it is impossible to be prepared for all circumstances. Economical and political situations of any country in the world change every month or year and leads to changes in many of life’s aspects. Today people need to be creative to get ahead, because it is impossible to find favorable work or life conditions that do not have any changes or unexpected circumstances.

There are not too many people which think and act creatively. Those people that do think creatively are usually successful businessmen, artists or politicians, because they can effectively use the natural capability of their brain to think creatively. Creative and imaginative people do not achieve success for themselves only; they also contribute to progress of society. That is why it is important to train yourself to be creative and get rid of many scripted opinions in your mind.

Steps to Creativity

The first step to thinking creatively is to understand which activities are indeed in need of scripts (some every day operations such as driving a car) and which activities demand creativity (such as work, business, education, upbringing of children).

Second, do your daily activities such as work or family creatively, enrich your knowledge about your business, and find new ways to improve it, do not be afraid to give work to your brain, because in daily life most people use only 4-5% of their brain’s ability to think.

Last, but not least is to be aware that if you are a creative and imaginative person you would not be disarmed by unexpected or unusual life circumstances and changes because you can always find a way to adjust and get ahead in your life.

Learn to be Creative

Many people say that they are not creative and that they don’t know how to be creative. That is just not true. Everyone of us has been creative at some point in our lives. Young children are very creative. Over the course of going to school and work, we have lost our creativity.

You can get it back.

The easiest way to become creative again, watch little children and let yourself be drawn back to those times in your life when creativity reigned.

Enjoy yourself!

Michael Wilkovesky

4 Keys for Positive Thinking

If you do not conquer self, you will be conquered by self.” – Napoleon Hill

Positive Thinking Can Change Our Attitudes

For centuries positive thinking has been described as the power to change our attitudes, well-being, and destiny. Countless people can attribute positive thinking to their faith and inner strength. Spiritually and mentally they are able to stay focused, hopeful, determined and motivated because of the way they choose to think.

But, how can you think positive when there is so much negativity all around? And, how can you stay positive when your circumstances are bad, or you are going through problems and losses?

Being Positive Starts Inside of You

Regardless of what is going on around you, there are things going on inside of you. There are feelings and thoughts that you continually experience. They lead to attitudes and actions. For example, if you lost your job there would be many thoughts and feelings associated with that loss. You are not able to stop the fact that you have feelings and thoughts about this situation. However, you do have some control over them. You can choose to think, I am finished. What am I going to do now? I will never find another job that pays me enough to take care of my family. I feel like a loser. Everyone is disappointed in me. Life is so unfair. Why don’t I ever get any breaks? Or, you can apply positive thinking to your situation and tell yourself, I can make it through this. Another door of opportunity will open up for me. I will keep trying until I find another job. I believe in myself, and I can do what it takes to make it. This is a temporary setback, and I am going to come out of it stronger. God or spirit or the universe is with me-helping me and guiding me.

Look at the difference between the two ways of thinking described above. You might say the one is negative and the other is positive. But, actually it is more than that. The negative thinking reveals a loss of self-esteem and a lack of faith. Hopelessness is soon to set in which can lead to a lack of motivation, bitterness, and depression. The positive thinking example expresses more than just words that feel and sound good. It reveals determination, a will to succeed, confidence in a power greater than oneself, and belief in the goodness of life.

4 Positive Thinking Keys

To be effective and powerful:

  1. Positive thinking must be founded on a positive belief system. How do you see the world? Where does your security come from? Do you love others, yourself, and life? Do you believe opportunities and good fortune can come your way?
  2. Positive thinking means you replace all negative thoughts with hopeful, faith-filled thoughts. You dwell on the good, not the bad. You talk about what is right, not what is wrong. You focus on the possibilities and not on the losses. You keep on practicing and practicing this step until it becomes a part of you.
  3. Positive thinking must be reinforced with positive actions. If you have a solid foundation and genuinely believe for the best and not the worst, you are ready to step out and take some positive action. Knock on those doors and keep knocking until one opens up for you. Keep looking until you find what you are looking for. Persist and stay focused on the goal.
  4. Finally, positive thinking requires persistence and resilience. Your faith will sometimes wane. You will be tempted to get negative. You might be tempted to think, This is not working, what is the point? But it does work. It is not simply a formula; it is a genuine power that has creative influence in the world and in our lives. If you fall, get back up again. Renew your faith. Practice positive thinking. Act on it and you will succeed!

Your Beliefs Influence Your Positive Thinking

You can be positive for life, and it begins with your beliefs. I encourage you to believe that life is good. Today is a new day. That means we have new opportunities to learn, grow, love, and laugh. It means we have new mercies and a clean slate to start fresh. Let us stay positive and hopeful. Let us make the best of today and enjoy it!

Michael Wilkovesky

Self-improvement as it relates to success

Become addicted to constant and never-ending self-improvement.” – Anthony J. D’Angelo

Why self-improvement?

Everyone has their own insecurities. Nobody is perfect. Every one has their flaws. They look at other people, envy them for seeming so outrageously complete and perfect and wish they could trade places with them, while those people look back at us and think the same thing. We are insecure of other people who themselves are insecure of us, Isn’t it funny? We suffer from low self-esteem or we can say lack of self-confidence and lose the desire to make improvements because we’re wrapped up in silent desperation.

Like many people I believe that things that happen to us happens for some reason. And sometimes, one thing leads to another.

Instead of locking yourself up in your cage of fears and crying over past heartbreaks, embarrassment and failures, handle them as your instructors and they’ll turn into your tools in both self improvement and success.

Self-improvement and success

Self Improvement and success when do they both become synonymous? Why Self Improvement is so important? Where do we start?

We all see disappointments somewhere in our lives. Disappointments like:

Failure in an examination

  • Failure in a job Interview
  • Business loss
  • Broken Marriages
  • Diseases
  • Many other things

Disappointments whether major or minor occupy our lives. But Instead of thinking its the end of the world for us we should be positive and try to solve the problem with a positive attitude. So Now you must be thinking what do I mean by a positive attitude.

Positive attitude

A positive attitude starts with a fit and healthy self image. If you are satisfied with your self, surefooted, self-confident and love the way you are, you also make others are around you feel the same way. You always have a lot to benefit from a real positive attitude. Studies have indicated that a positive attitude boosts better health and wellness. Those with this sort of attitude also have more admirers and friends. Projecting a positive attitude also assists us to confront tension and troubles better than those who have a negative attitude.

So your Positive Attitude is your first step toward your self improvement. We all know self improvement is a uninterrupted improvement and creates an improved person. The desire for self improvement is the desire to lead a better and happier life. If self improvement is what you desire then this should be your highway to reaching your goals. Self Improvement is an excellent investment in improving your life.

Moving forward

Self improvement results in internal stability, personality growth and of course our SUCCESS. Self improvement is the key to better relations with other people. It comes from self-confidence, self admiration and self esteem. Self Improvement is all about knowing who we are and making committed decision. Self improvement is a better way to take charge of our own life. This is really what self improvement is all about, making positive modification to our lives.

Nobody is perfect, and self improvement is an ongoing journey. Self improvement is everyone’s goal.

Michael Wilkovesky

Concentration Finds the Way

Concentration is my motto – first honesty, then industry, then concentration.” – Andrew Carnegie

The Nature of Man

Everyone has two natures. One wants us to advance and the other wants to pull us back. The one that we cultivate and concentrate on decides what we are at the end. Both natures are trying to gain control. The will alone decides the issue. A man by one supreme effort of the will may change his whole career and almost accomplish miracles. You may be that man. You can be if you Will to be, for Will can find a way or make one.

The Price We Must Pay

I know that every man that is willing to pay the price can be a success. The price is not in money, but in effort. The first essential quality for success is the desire to do – to be something. The next thing is to learn how to do it; the next to carry it into execution. The man that is the best able to accomplish anything is the one with a broad mind; the man that has acquired knowledge, that may, it is true, be foreign to this particular case, but is, nevertheless, of some value in all cases. So the man that wants to be successful must be liberal; he must acquire all the knowledge that he can; he must be well posted not only in one branch of his business but in every part of it. Such a man achieves success.

The secret of success is to try always to improve yourself no matter where you are or what your position. Learn all you can. Don’t see how little you can do, but how much you can do. Such a man will always be in demand, for he establishes the reputation of being a hustler. There is always room for him because progressive firms never let a hustler leave their employment if they can help it.

Everyone really wants to do something, but there are few that will put forward the needed effort to make the necessary sacrifice to secure it. There is only one way to accomplish anything and that is to go ahead and do it. A man may accomplish almost anything today, if he just sets his heart on doing it and lets nothing interfere with his progress. Obstacles are quickly overcome by the man that sets out to accomplish his heart’s desire. The “bigger” the man, the smaller the obstacle appears. The “smaller” the man the greater the obstacle appears. Always look at the advantage you gain by overcoming obstacles, and it will give you the needed courage for their conquest.

Don’t Stop

Do not let a setback stop you. Think of it as a mere incident that has to be overcome before you can reach your goal.

Michael Wilkovesky

We Have Thought Ourselves Into What We Are

Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.” – Thomas Jefferson

One’s place in life is largely determined by his Mental Attitude

Mental Attitude is the result of the current of one’s thoughts, ideas, ideals, feelings, and beliefs. You are constantly at work building up a Mental Attitude, which is not only making your character but which is also having its influence upon the outside world, both in the direction of your effect upon other people, as well as your quality of attracting toward yourself that which is in harmony with the prevailing mental state held by you. Is it not most important, then, that this building should be done with the best possible materials—according to the best plan—with the best tools?

A positive Mental Attitude Wins Financial Success

Before going any further, let us define the word “Positive” and its opposite, “Negative,” and then see how the former wins success and the latter attracts failure. In the sense in which I use the terms, “Positive” means Confident Expectation, Self-Confidence, Courage, Initiative, Energy, Optimism, Expectation of Good, not Evil— of Wealth, not Poverty—Belief in Oneself and in the LAW, etc., etc.; “Negative” means Fear, Worry, Expectation of Undesirable Things, Lack of Confidence in Oneself and the LAW, etc., etc.

In the first place Mental Attitude tends towards success by its power in the direction of “making us over” into individuals possessing qualities conducive to success. Many people go through the world bemoaning their lack of the faculties, qualities or temperament that they instinctively recognize an active factors in the attainment of success. They see others possessing these desirable qualities moving steadily forward to their goal, and they also feel if they themselves were but possessed of these same qualities they, too, might attain the same desirable results. Now, so far, their reasoning is all right—but they do not go far enough. They fail here because they imagine that since they have not the desired qualities at the moment, they can never expect to possess them. They regard their minds as something that once fixed and built can never be improved upon, repaired, rebuilt, or enlarged. Right here is where the majority of people “fall down.”

Mental attitude and financial success

Sweep out from the chambers of your mind all these miserable negative thoughts like “I can’t,” “That’s just my luck,” “I knew I’d do it,” “Poor me,” etc., and then fill up the mind with the positive, invigorating, helpful, forceful, compelling ideals of Success, Confidence, and expectation of that which you desire; and just as the steel filings fly to the attraction of the magnet, so will that which you need fly to you in response to this great natural principle of mental action—the Law of Attraction. Begin this very moment and build up a new ideal—that of Financial Success—see it mentally— expect it—demand it! This is the way to create it in your Mental Attitude.

Michael Wilkovesky

We Are What We Are As A Result Of Past Thinking

We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.” – Buddha

Mental Attitude

Our mental attitude is built up by the thoughts we habitually harbor or cultivate. Thus if we entertain positive thoughts only, and deny negative thoughts, replacing them by their opposites whenever they intrude, we gradually build up a positive attitude of mind, which means that we become positive men or women, and as such cannot fail to be successful in life. Therefore it all comes back to the old question of thought control. “For one to govern his thinking, then, is to determine his life.”

Positive Thoughts

Thoughts are positive if they dwell upon the following: Success, achievement, accomplishment, overcoming, conquering, mastering, prosperity, power, courage, calmness, dignity, perseverance, purposefulness, patience, wisdom, faithfulness, confidence, faith, hope, cheerfulness, love, joy, peace, health and happiness.

Negative Thoughts

Thoughts are negative if they dwell upon the following: Failure, difficulty, bad luck, hard lines, I can’t, fear, dread, grief, worry, care, anxiety, loss, fate unfaithfulness, grievances, criticizing others, imputing bad motives to others, hate, envy, covetousness, brooding, lust, impurity immorality, selfishness, sensuality, misery, unhappiness, disease, ill-health and death.

The former build up character of mind and health of body; they create serenity and peace. The latter break down the nervous system, produce ill health and disease, rob the life of nearly all its joys and destroy all hopes of success.

Successful People’s Thoughts

The only difference between a successful type of man and an unsuccessful type, provided they are of equal energy, is one of mind—of thought. The successful man’s attitude of mind is such that he generates the right kind of thought, which passing to his subconscious mind, is transmuted into the right type of action. The unsuccessful man, on the other hand, through his mind being of a negative type, generates the wrong kind of thought and this in turn results in the wrong type of action. This is why it is impossible to keep the “success” type of man down for any length of time.

You can bankrupt him, bereave him, maim him, cast him into the gutter and jump on him, and he will come to the top again. It is impossible to keep such a man down for long, simply because his mind will not allow it.

Unsuccessful People’s Thoughts

This also is why it is impossible to help a man of a negative type. The more one helps such a man the weaker and more hopeless he becomes, and the more helplessly he clings round one’s neck for sustenance and support.

Place him in affluent circumstances, find him work, prospects, influence, friends, place in his hands everything possible with which to aid him, and he will let it all slip through his fingers and come right down to want and penury. Therefore, success in life is the result of “success” actions, which are the result of “success” thoughts, which are the result of a “success” attitude of mind.

Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life

As the attitude of the mind alters from negative to positive there is developed personal magnetism; one radiates an influence which attracts people. Thus does success and prosperity crowd in upon the man or woman who cultivates the right type of mind.

Do not, however, strain after success; rather realize that you yourself are “Success” and that you therefore attract to you all that you desire. Go about your duties calmly and with confidence, knowing that you are “success” and therefore must succeed.

Michael Wilkovesky